Welcome to Math Lab!

A very big welcome to educators, parents and students! Thinking out loud... I will post inspirations, challenges, ideas, tips for home, cool websites, and those special moments that happen every day. Moments that continue to solidify my love of spending my days teaching and learning from such bright and inspiring little souls!

Friday 18 April 2014

1 + 1 = 5 and Other Unlikely Additions - Our Math Knowledge POPS!

Geometry and counting can be very entertaining!  We designed our own creative number sentences and we were able to show off our knowledge of shapes (sides, faces, and vertices).  Our math bulletin board caused many students and staff to stop, read, and think!  Here are a few examples and the book that inspired our display!  (Did you notice the 3D shapes turning our 2D display into a 3D surprise?  Our math knowledge POPS!)

1+1=5 and Other Unlikely Additions


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