Welcome to Math Lab!

A very big welcome to educators, parents and students! Thinking out loud... I will post inspirations, challenges, ideas, tips for home, cool websites, and those special moments that happen every day. Moments that continue to solidify my love of spending my days teaching and learning from such bright and inspiring little souls!

Friday, 21 October 2011

Friday Wrap Up!

Once again a week has flown by!  We are settling into routines and the students are getting used to the number of times I change their desks around! J  Hopefully everyone had a chance to check the agenda bags.  The grade twos have a new math note and the grade ones brought home their Wacky Word Wall Word books and journals.  Please take the time to look them over with your child.  The grade one books are due back Wednesday.  The grade twos will be bringing their Word Study and writing books home next week.  Unfortunately I simply ran out of time to send both home today.  

I hope to send more ideas for take home reading practice but it is not to overwhelm you.  I simply want to make sure I give you as much information as I can about our day at school and to give you the opportunity to help your child if they are struggling.  I completely respect your role as the parent to alter the homework routine to suit your child and your family.  I try to communicate as much as I can so that there are no surprises.  I also try to give you a variety of ideas and suggestions so that you can pick the ones that work best for your child at home.  Maybe your child needs to learn through games and movement, maybe you are on the road a lot and flash cards or plastic plate ‘white boards’ work best in the car, etc... or maybe your child is already reading above grade level and you are focusing more on their needs in math.  

Keep in mind that there are 36 students, and even more families, that I am trying to reach and I realize that no two are the same!  For that reason I strongly urge you to contact me at any time with questions or concerns.  I cannot help if I don’t know there is a problem.  I am the mother of two boys and I too have had my, “this teacher must be nuts”, moments.  I do however support and respect every teacher they have had and I go directly to them with concerns (remembering never to voice them in front of the boys).

We are all in this together!  I only want the VERY best for your child and your child’s educational experience!  Yikes I must be tired...talking far too much!  Time to make dinner!  Enjoy your weekend!!!

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