Welcome to Math Lab!

A very big welcome to educators, parents and students! Thinking out loud... I will post inspirations, challenges, ideas, tips for home, cool websites, and those special moments that happen every day. Moments that continue to solidify my love of spending my days teaching and learning from such bright and inspiring little souls!

Monday, 28 November 2011

Our Grade One and Two Math Learning Stations

Welcome to our math learning stations!  These are a few pictures showing the math learning stations we have been working on this month.  We will be starting some new learning stations this week.  I encourage you to ask your child about the learning stations.  (Ask them which one was their favourite, why it was their favourite, which stations they had difficulty with, etc....)  There are others that I didn't get a picture of yet.

  • The red sheet shows the centre where the students had to pick an addition block from the basket.  Then they had to stamp the numbers to make a dotted picture showing the numbers they were adding.  Next they had to stamp the number sentence showing what they added and the answer they got, (using the addition symbol and the equals sign).
  • The green sheet with the balance scale shows equations they were trying to make using snap cubes.  The students put the numbers in each side of the balance scale using different coloured cubes and then they added the "mystery number" using a different colour until the scale was balanced.  So if 4+5 was on one side of the scale they may have found that 7 had to added to the 2 on the other side to make them equal and balanced.  4+5=7+2
  • The blue sheet with snap cubes shows a number they had to make using the snap cubes.  They were allowed to use 2, 3, or 4 colours to make the number several times.  Each time they had to make the same number.  This page shows a student making 16 three different ways, (so far).  As you can see they have found that 6+9+1=16!
We shared our learning stations as a group and we will continue to share our math station experiences this week as we talk more about addition and subtraction strategies!

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